Friday 4 January 2008

Testimonies of Time

If one were to ever question me on the importance of time management, my answer would be simply "Whatever makes you happy". It is in evitable that in a fast-paced, ever-expanding technological era where developments in every area of society have become synonymous to human lives, effective time management is the flagship of every successful individual. Time would only turn predator to those who lack the ability to manage it. The most significant testimonies of time originate from individuals who have come a long way in the arena of the job universe, and have attained all-round success in the works of their hands. Bill Gates, for instance, is known to make millions in just minutes. The idiom that time is gold is simply not enough to depict its true value at the core. Ask any successful businessman the secret of his success, ask any high achiever in the field of education the pathway to glory, and the answer will be similarly effective time management.
The irony of humans, is therefore, knowing what's good for them, is fully aware of its benefits YET fail to practice it. It is therefore not surprising that as many people are exposed to the knowledge of the importance of time management as many people simply just do not put it into practice. This is probably the same scenario as with smokers, at least 70-80% of all smokers know that what they are doing is hazardous for their health and yet constantly divulge in it. I for one, was one such victim in the area of time management until i finally developed a reasonable plan to help me manage my studies, play and other commitments. Yesterday, however, it seemed to me that time did not exist and the knowledge of punctuality and time management seemed to have been totally erased from the banks of me, and from the banks of even the people I came into contact with. I was stuck in my college the entire day due to a miscalculation in timing (this actually propelled me to talk about time in today's post), and even had to postpone my 'dinner' to that of supper at around 1am.
I shall not dive much into it, but all I can say is that us being considerate human beings (more often than not, I pray) MUST include others into our time when drawing up the schedules for the day. I must have been totally insignificant to my lecturers who made me wait hours before I collect my results and speak to them personally. As a result of the delay, I could not go home to refresh myself before heading for practice that night. Coupled with the fact that I ended the day hungry, tired and extremely, dirtily, uncomfortable, I concluded that time management was at fault, and had clocks been able to move backwards, I would gladly head back to the past to correct things. Just wait and see what I would have to say about the stories tomorrow would throw in my path.

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