Real Name: Daniel Wong Yoon Tsern (silent 'T' please)
Nickname: Dan, Danny, Dano, Nono
Married: Yes, to Melodie Yap Sue Ann (Not officially^^)
Male Or Female: Male
High School: SMK La Salle PJ
College: INTI College Subang Jaya
Short Or Long Hair: Short lar...
Are you a health freak: I have my moments.
Height: 181 cm
Do you have a crush on someone: I think we're way beyond that stage..
Do you like yourself: Most of the time
Righty or Lefty: Lefty!
Surgery: None, never will..
Piercing: Just 1 on my left ear..
Award: Best reader in kindergarten.. Don't think I even knew what that meant then
Sport you join: Tennis
Pet: Goldie.. My little goldfish. Died of a disease.. *sniff*
Vacation: Singapore
Concert: PlanetShakers!
Crush: Some chick la.. Girl.. Not the the offspring of a chicken..
Eating: Nothing, wish there was food here though
Drinking: Saliva
I'm about to: Finish up this nonsense
Your Future**
Want kids: Yea.. Of all shapes and sizes
Want to get married: HAHA is that even a question? (SCROLL UP)
Careers in minds: Lawyer, Legal consultant, Corporate Solicitor, Musician
Which Is Better**
Lips or eyes: On her face everything is the best, on mine nothing matters
Hugs or kisses: I'll take both and more..
Shorter or taller: I'd like to grow 5 more cm taller.
Romantic or Spontaneous: A little bit or both.
Sensitive or Loud: I prefer the term 'introvert'
Trouble Maker or Hestitant: I like the element of surprise..
Have You Ever**
Kissed a stranger: Hell, no.
Drank bubbles: Bubble tea :)
Lost Glasses/contacts: Haha.. I lost 2 pairs of glasses and dropped one contact
Ran away from home: Nope, thought of it before in my then immatured mind.
Liked someone younger: Yeah, that's normal for guys.
Liked someone older: Embarrasingly positive.
Broken Someone's Heart: OH YEAH, and I loved it..
Been arrested: Nope.
Cried When Someone Died: Definitely.
Liked a friend: I like all my friends.. Question out of range. Next..
Do You Believe in**
Yourself: Most of the time.
Heaven: Yes
Miracles: Yes, & Melodie is the biggest one :)
Santa Claus: Used to.
Magic: Its all rubbish.
Answer Truthfully**
Is there one person you wanna be right now: YES.. My baby Mel.
Do you believe in god: Absolutely, and He is the Lord of my life.
Nickname: Dan, Danny, Dano, Nono
Married: Yes, to Melodie Yap Sue Ann (Not officially^^)
Male Or Female: Male
High School: SMK La Salle PJ
College: INTI College Subang Jaya
Short Or Long Hair: Short lar...
Are you a health freak: I have my moments.
Height: 181 cm
Do you have a crush on someone: I think we're way beyond that stage..
Do you like yourself: Most of the time
Righty or Lefty: Lefty!
Surgery: None, never will..
Piercing: Just 1 on my left ear..
Award: Best reader in kindergarten.. Don't think I even knew what that meant then
Sport you join: Tennis
Pet: Goldie.. My little goldfish. Died of a disease.. *sniff*
Vacation: Singapore
Concert: PlanetShakers!
Crush: Some chick la.. Girl.. Not the the offspring of a chicken..
Eating: Nothing, wish there was food here though
Drinking: Saliva
I'm about to: Finish up this nonsense
Your Future**
Want kids: Yea.. Of all shapes and sizes
Want to get married: HAHA is that even a question? (SCROLL UP)
Careers in minds: Lawyer, Legal consultant, Corporate Solicitor, Musician
Which Is Better**
Lips or eyes: On her face everything is the best, on mine nothing matters
Hugs or kisses: I'll take both and more..
Shorter or taller: I'd like to grow 5 more cm taller.
Romantic or Spontaneous: A little bit or both.
Sensitive or Loud: I prefer the term 'introvert'
Trouble Maker or Hestitant: I like the element of surprise..
Have You Ever**
Kissed a stranger: Hell, no.
Drank bubbles: Bubble tea :)
Lost Glasses/contacts: Haha.. I lost 2 pairs of glasses and dropped one contact
Ran away from home: Nope, thought of it before in my then immatured mind.
Liked someone younger: Yeah, that's normal for guys.
Liked someone older: Embarrasingly positive.
Broken Someone's Heart: OH YEAH, and I loved it..
Been arrested: Nope.
Cried When Someone Died: Definitely.
Liked a friend: I like all my friends.. Question out of range. Next..
Do You Believe in**
Yourself: Most of the time.
Heaven: Yes
Miracles: Yes, & Melodie is the biggest one :)
Santa Claus: Used to.
Magic: Its all rubbish.
Answer Truthfully**
Is there one person you wanna be right now: YES.. My baby Mel.
Do you believe in god: Absolutely, and He is the Lord of my life.